Gender and professionalism: Does it matter? Eve Higginbotham, SM, MD The Hippocratic Oath for humanitarian aid workers Philip J. Candilis, MD, DFAPA, Allen R. Dyer, MD, PhD, Fatima Noorani, MD, Marwa Ghabra, MD, Catherine May, MD, Saleh Dhumad, MDChB, MRCPsych, MSc, CBT, Eric Kocher, JD Medals4Mettle: A novel method to teach humanistic behavior to medical students Steven F. Isenberg, MD, McKenzie Vater, MD, Pradip D. Patel, MD Reflections Jack Coulehan, MD, John A. Benson Jr., MD He trusts us Andre N. Sofair, MD, MPH The doctor's white coat: A symbol of the U.S. medical profession David A. Nardone, MD The concert Therese S. Woodring Of cinder, sea, and shotgun: Literary leitmotifs in a suicide ensued Kristen Schmidt, MD, MAPH A day at the walk-in clinic Fabrizia Faustinella, MD, PhD Esther Schwartz and her posthumous influence on children unknown to her in life Pascal James Imperato, MD