"Be worthy to serve the suffering."

-William W. Root, MD - Founder, 1902

The Pharos

Latest Issue

Winter 2025 Edition

About The Pharos

Published since 1938 and named for one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the Pharos lighthouse of Alexandria, Alpha Omega Alpha’s quarterly journal publishes scholarly essays covering a wide array of nontechnical medical subjects, including medical history, ethics, and medical-related literature.

"In an age of rapidly evolving technology and forced efficiency, The Pharos continues to emphasize the artistic, the literary, and the place of music, language, and culture in medicine. Although themes may shift—now touching upon the economics or the ethics of times—humanism is the enduring content of our AΩA journal."

The journal accepts the following types of submissions:

  • Scholarly essays on nontechnical medically-related subjects, including history, literature, art, ethics, economics, health policy, and profiles of prominent persons
  • Scholarly nonfiction on a medical subject
  • Poetry
  • Personal essays

Manuscripts are reviewed on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Relevance
  • Organization and style
  • Potential interest to readers

Poems are reviewed on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Imagery and use of language
  • Poetic structure and technique
  • Emotional appeal
  • Relevance to Pharos readers

It is the policy of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society that all Board of Directors members, Editorial Board members, and employees scrupulously avoid any conflict of interest between AΩA and personal, professional, and business interests. This includes avoiding potential, and actual, conflicts of interest, as well as the perception of a conflict of interest.

This policy protects the integrity of the AΩA decision-making process, and the integrity and reputation of Board members, Editorial Board members, and staff.

Upon or before election, employment or appointment, members and employees will disclose any and all interests, relationships, and/or holdings that could have the potential, or perception, of a conflict of interest.

Board members shall recuse themselves from voting on any matter where a conflict of interest has the potential to be, or is in fact, a conflict of interest.

At least annually, Board members and employees shall sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure form.

Should a potential, actual, or perceived conflict of interest arise, Board members shall immediately disclose the conflict with the Board President; and Editorial Board members and employees shall immediately disclose the conflict to the Executive Director.
